Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

Stakeholder Management Resource Management Financial Management Benchmarks Playgrounds, Wellness, and Physical Equipment Pools, Boating, and Swimming Areas Trails and Greenways Park Structures Accessibility and Inclusion Custodial and Grounds Infrastructure Greener Approach Athletic Fields and Sport Facilities Natural Landscapes and Open Spaces Invasive Species and Pest Control Irrigation and Nutrition Journeymen's Guide Mechanic's Guide Contractor's Guide Front Office Guide

TEMPLATE - Facility Service Provider RFP

Park Maintenance Institute, 2021

Template to use for generating a RFP for facility services.

TEMPLATE - Project Plan, 2018

Template document to be used for project planning.

SAMPLE - Stormwater Maintenance Foreman

City of Buffalo, 2022

Sample job description with salary expectations

Sustainable Land Management

The World Bank, 2006

The specific objectives of the report are to articulatepriorities for investment in SLM and natural resource management and to identify the policy, institutional, and incentive reform options that will acceleratethe adoption of SLM productivity improvements and pro-poor growth.

What are Combined Sewer Overflows?

Penn State Extension, 2021

Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) are a priority water pollution concern because they discharge a combination of stormwater, untreated human and industrial waste, and other stormwater pollutants into our waterways.

Stormwater Design Guidance

US Army, 2020

This stormwater management document provides a step-by-step process to assist designers inmeeting the requirements

Introduction to Stormwater Drainage System Design

Iowa Dept. of Transportation, 2010

The function of stormwater drainage systems is to collect minor design storm runoff and convey majordesign storm (flood) runoff to a discharge point.

Stormwater Management Design Examples

NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation, 2015

This chapter presents design examples for two hypothetical development sites

What is a Stormwater Credit?

Penn State Extension, 2020

Stormwater credits offer the opportunity to reduce stormwater fees that may be charged by your local municipality.

Stormwater Basics

Penn State Extension, 2021

Ready-to-Use Educational Toolkit for Stormwater Management

Stormwater Pond Design, Construction, and Sedimentation

Clemson Cooperative Extension, 2022

Stormwater retention ponds are designed to minimize the adverse effects that impervious surfaces have on watersheds. Impervious surfaces (ie. paved surfaces, buildings, etc.) increase the volume of surface runoff in a watershed because they prevent rain water from infiltrating into the soil.

Stormwater Management and Design Guidance

WV Dept. of Environmental Protection, 2012

Website dedicated to stormwater management resources.

Stormwater Emergency Response Plan

Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection, 2022

Website dedicated to stormwater emergency response resources

Stormwater Management Design Manual

NY State Dept. of Conservation, 2015

Website dedicated to stormwater management resources.

Stormwater Design Manual

City of Charlotte, NC, 2014

Website dedicated to stormwater management resources.