Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

Stakeholder Management Resource Management Financial Management Benchmarks Playgrounds, Wellness, and Physical Equipment Pools, Boating, and Swimming Areas Trails and Greenways Park Structures Accessibility and Inclusion Custodial and Grounds Infrastructure Greener Approach Athletic Fields and Sport Facilities Natural Landscapes and Open Spaces Invasive Species and Pest Control Irrigation and Nutrition Journeymen's Guide Mechanic's Guide Contractor's Guide Front Office Guide

Tree Care Tips & Techniques

The Arbor Day Foundation

These comprehensive tree care tips will guide you through the process of selecting, planting, and caring for the right tree for your space.

Community Cleanup Resource Guide

Keep Philadelphia Beautiful

Guide to developing effective cleanup days

Mastering the Team Meeting

Harvard Business Review

This article offers tips for making the most of your meeting time.

Resources for Amusement Rides & Attractions

PA Department of Agriculture

Pennsylvania’s amusement ride safety program is designed to ensure that all rides in the state meet stringent safety requirements.

Template - Monthly Aquatic Maintenance Log

Pennsylvania Park Maintenance Institute

Sample maintenance log to adapt for your operations.

Template - Monthly Facility Maintenance Log

Pennsylvania Park Maintenance Institute

Sample monthly facility maintenance log to adapt for your operations

Template - Equipment Inspection Checklist

Pennsylvania Park Maintenance Institute

Sample equipment inspection log to adapt for your operations

A Best Practices Guide to Building Partnerships

US Community Partnerships Interagency Policy Committee

This document provides guidance to help departments and agencies (collectively “agencies”) expand their use of partnerships.

Resource Guide for Building Effective Collaboration and Integrated Programming

Project Concern International

This guide is a collection of experiences, resources and research developed by known experts in the area of organizational and community development and its preparation is aimed at responding to the needs of an inter-organizational committee that is in the development phase.

The Dirty Dozen

Omaha Public Schools

Video outlining 12 Playground Hazards

Importance of Park Playground Inspections

The City of Irving

The Parks Department's Infrastructure and Safety team not only checks playgrounds, but also other equipment at parks.

How to Operate a Trench Ground Saw

The Home Depot

Trench Ground Saw is a compact and simple to operate mini-trencher. Ideal for irrigation, LP/Propane Gas Lines, low voltage electrical, drainage, root pruning, and silt fences.

How to Be a Better Listener

Project Management Videos

This video shows you why listening is so important and offers some practical tips to be better at it.

How to Make a New Team Member Feel Welcome

Project Management Videos

This video has some practical tips to facilitate team bonding and work better together.

How to Lead During a Crisis

Project Manangement Videos

This video shows you what to do if you suffer a crisis on your team or project.