Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

Stakeholder Management Resource Management Financial Management Benchmarks Playgrounds, Wellness, and Physical Equipment Pools, Boating, and Swimming Areas Trails and Greenways Park Structures Accessibility and Inclusion Custodial and Grounds Infrastructure Greener Approach Athletic Fields and Sport Facilities Natural Landscapes and Open Spaces Invasive Species and Pest Control Irrigation and Nutrition Journeymen's Guide Mechanic's Guide Contractor's Guide Front Office Guide

Protecting Our Parks

National Park Service

A Strategic Approach to Reducing the Deferred Maintenance Backlog Facing the National Park Service

Green Infrastructure: How to Manage Water in a Sustainable Way

Natural Resources Defense Council

By relying on plants, soil, and natural systems to manage rainfall runoff, green infrastructure tackles urban water woes and boosts climate resilience. Here’s how.

The Irrigation Troubleshooter’s Top 5

Irrigation & Green Industry

Irrigation experts show how they manage some of the most common service call issues.

Choosing IPEMA Certified Playground Surfacing to Meet ADA Standards

International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association

This guide is an easy reference point concerning different surfacing types as it relates to ADA accessibility compliance.

Mulch Fact Sheets

Clemson Cooperative Extension

Background information surrounding the benefits of mulch.

Nature Trail Development on Small Acreages

University of Arkansas

The purpose of this publication is to provide anintroduction to trail design for those who intend todevelop trails for nature walking, hiking, horsebackriding or ATVs on less than 40 acres.

Parks, People, andPlaces: Making Parks Accessibleto the Community

Urban Land Institute

ULI Community Catalyst Reports are intended to make the findings and recommendations of ULI land use policy forums relevant: accessible to and useful for practitioners at the community level, where land use decisions are made and their consequences most directly felt.

Flagger Training

Virginia Department of Transportation

A comprehensive overview of all job duties and requirements of the flagger position in a work zone.

Pennsylvania Work Zone Pocket Guide

PA Department of Transportation

This Handbook was developed for use by personsinvolved in maintenance, construction, or utility work on or along Pennsylvania’s roadways.

Community Engagement Resource Guide

National Recreation & Park Association

This resource guide divides the engagement process into four major themes that will help park and recreation professionals better meet the needs of all people who are impacted by projects and plans:

Relevant Research - Focus on Conservation and Resiliency

National Recreation & Park Association

This summary report is intended to help bridge the current research–practice gap for practitioners in the field and their decision makers by identifying peer-reviewed published research articles from 2015 to 2017 that provide an evidence base and/or could have a potential impact on the practice of Parks and Recreation.

Green Infrastructure in Parks

National Recreation & Park Association

This Resource Guide for Planning, Designing and Implementing Green Infrastructure in Parks builds on thesuccess of park and green infrastructure initiatives throughout the United States.

Safe Routes to Parks

National Recreation & Park Association

This framework is intended to beused as a guide that will engage leaders and community members inan ongoing process to ensure that community policies and practicessupport safe and equitable access to parks.

Nonprofit Cost Analysis Toolkit: Six Steps to Finding the True Costs of Programs

The Bridgespan Group

High-level tool for funding justification

Your Essential Guide to Effective Inventory Management

Avery Walts

Overview of Inventory management systems