Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

Stakeholder Management Resource Management Financial Management Benchmarks Playgrounds, Wellness, and Physical Equipment Pools, Boating, and Swimming Areas Trails and Greenways Park Structures Accessibility and Inclusion Custodial and Grounds Infrastructure Greener Approach Athletic Fields and Sport Facilities Natural Landscapes and Open Spaces Invasive Species and Pest Control Irrigation and Nutrition Journeymen's Guide Mechanic's Guide Contractor's Guide Front Office Guide

Practical Tips to Recruiting & Retaining Skilled Workers

PHCC Educational Foundation

Webinar focusing on HR in trades.

Maintenance Agreements - The Contractor's Golden Goose!

PHCC Educational Foundation

Maintenance agreements are literally the foundation stone for profitable growth in the 21st Century! During this webinar learn why maintenance agreements are good for you, as well as your customer.

Innovations in Drain Cleaning

PHCC Educational Foundation

Professional drain maintenance is an essential service to offer your customers for many reasons, and having the right tools for the job is critical to success.

OSHA Confined Spaces - Your Toolbox

PHCC Educational Foundation

Although practicing safe habits and protocols on the job comes with our territory, a recent OSHA ruling includes attics and crawlspaces as confined spaces in many cases. This will require new processes and on the job techniques to address the confined space hazards. This means more training and new routines, and may require some new tools. We will focus this session on thermal and atmospheric hazards.

Basic Trail Maintenance


Basic Trail Maintenance - USDA Forest Service Learn the basics of trail maintenance and how to select the right tool for each task.

Surface Water Control Techniques for Trail Maintenance


Learn routine maintenance to prevent water erosion on trails.

How To Maintain And Build Mountain Bike Trails

Global Mountain Bike Network

Learn how to maintain mountain bike trails and how to build new ones with the help of this guide.

Mountain Bike Trail Maintenance


Mountain bike trail maintenance techniques. Some simple improvements we chose to do can be seen in the video!

How To Build a Concrete Pad

Lowe's Home Improvement

Watch to learn how to pour a concrete pad from prepping the site to building a form, pouring the concrete and finishing.

How to Patch Concrete

The Home Depot

This video demonstrates how to repair chipped concrete using Top n' Bond.

Quikrete Concrete Information

The Home Depot

This video will demonstrate the different types of Quikrete Concrete mix, including ready-to-use, high early strength, crack resistant and fast setting concrete types, along with their PSIs.

Laying a Concrete Slab


This video will demonstrate the process for framing and pouring a concrete slab.

How to Replace a Pole Saw Chain

Snow Joe and Sun Joe

Instructional video on how to replace your chain saw chain on the Sun Joe SWJ802E pole chain saw.

How to Adjust and Maintain an Electric Chainsaw


"This video shows you what it's like to adjust and maintain a chainsaw, specifically this Portland 14"" electric chainsaw from Harbor Freight. It uses an Oregon 91 chain and must be regularly cleaned and adjusted while it's being used in order to operate properly. You also have to take care of the oiling system so that the bar and chain stay lubricated."

Small Engine Repair and Maintenance Part 1

Living Web Farms

Diagnose and repair common problems with 2 and 4-stroke engines. Avoid costly repairs by learning maintenance, proper fluids, and appropriate settings to promote long lasting use. We will have hands-on learning of actual processes so you can feel empowered to tackle your own equipment issues and keep machines running better for years.