Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

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Western Conifer Seed Bug

PennState Extension

The western conifer seed bug feeds on Douglas-fir seeds and other species of pine. This bug can also become a nuisance to homeowners in the fall.

Tuliptree Scale

PennState Extension

The tuliptree scale is a pest of yellow poplar, or tuliptree, magnolia, and linden. This soft scale insect is so prolific that it can cover twigs and branches.

Spruce Spider Mite

PennState Extension

The spruce spider mite attacks spruce, arborvitae, juniper, hemlock, pine, Douglas-fir, and occasionally other conifers.

Fall Cankerworm

PennState Extension

The fall cankerworm is a native pest of hardwood trees in North America. It causes some defoliation in the forest every year, with larger outbreaks occasionally.

Elongate Hemlock Scale

PennState Extension

The elongate hemlock scale, sometimes known as the fiorinia scale, is a serious armored scale insect pest on ornamental and forest hemlock trees in Pennsylvania.

Elm Spanworm

PennState Extension

The elm spanworm is a serious defoliator of hardwood shade and forest trees in the eastern United States.

Eastern Tent Caterpillar

PennState Extension

The eastern tent caterpillar has been observed in the United States since 1646. Outbreaks frequently occur at eight to ten year intervals.

Controlling Understory Fern Competition for Regeneration Success

PennState Extension

Dense understories of hay-scented, New York, and bracken fern can interfere with the regeneration of hardwood forests, threatening their sustainability.

Using Insect and Tick Repellents Safely

PennState Extension

Repellents are chemicals applied to provide relief and protection from mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting pests. Proper and safe use of these chemicals is necessary.

Oriental Bittersweet

PennState Extension

Oriental bittersweet is a non-native woody, perennial vine that covers and kills native plants by blocking sunlight, weighing the plants down, and girdling stems and trunks.


PennState Extension

Mile-a-minute is an invasive, noxious weed from eastern Asia that is rapidly colonizing non-crop areas in Pennsylvania and surrounding states.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA)

PennState Extension

Hemlock woolly adelgid is a destructive, introduced pest of forest and ornamental hemlock trees.

Emerald Ash Borer

PennState Extension

Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a destructive, introduced insect of North American ash trees. It has been the cause of widespread ash tree decline and mortality throughout northeastern North America.

Wild Grape

PennState Extension

Wild grape (Vitis spp.) is a native vine found throughout Pennsylvania. There are various species of wild grape occurring in a variety of habitats.

Purple Loosestrife

PennState Extension

Importance and background of natural areas, including activities related to monitoring and controlling Purple Loosestrife.