Tool Shed

Our Tool Shed is a resource library designed for professionals working within all aspects of park maintenance.  We continually research best maintenance practices from all industries to gather videos, articles, templates, and websites and store them in one place for our subscribers. We spend the time to sift through the noise and provide you with valuable information when you need it, so you can focus on developing solutions. If there is something you need but cannot find, reach out and share your specific needs.

Stakeholder Management Resource Management Financial Management Benchmarks Playgrounds, Wellness, and Physical Equipment Pools, Boating, and Swimming Areas Trails and Greenways Park Structures Accessibility and Inclusion Custodial and Grounds Infrastructure Greener Approach Athletic Fields and Sport Facilities Natural Landscapes and Open Spaces Invasive Species and Pest Control Irrigation and Nutrition Journeymen's Guide Mechanic's Guide Contractor's Guide Front Office Guide

Integrating Assessments Into a Municipal or School Grounds Management Program

Sports Turf Managers Association, 2020

Victoria Wallace covers the basics of assessments before delving into how they can benefit your fields, parks and programs as a whole.

Maintenance Standards For Soil Base Soccer Fields

Tom Cook

This article highlights guidelines for maintenance of fields at levels ranging from professional quality fields to unirrigated youth soccer league fields.

Maintenance Protocol in a Covid-19 Scenario


Sample COVID protocols for maintenance employees from a manufacturing company

IPM for Invasive Species

County of Santa Clara

Best practices and alternative approaches to pest management.

Integrated Pest Management for Park Managers - A Training Manual

William Olkowski and Helga Olkowski

This manual is designed to aid parks landscape and building personnel, supervisors and assistants, within public agencies or private institutions. The text is meant to be used bythe person who will actually design the IPM program for a particular geographic area and then coordinate the implementation of theprogram.

COVID-19 Exposure Process

Pennsylvania Park Maintenance Institute

Sample protocol decision tree if an employee is exposed to COVID-19.

Take These 5 Steps When an Employee Gets COVID-19

Nancy Cleeland

Based on guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), as well as the advice of attorneys who've already guided clients through a COVID-19 response, here are five basic steps to take in the aftermath of an employee's COVID-19 diagnosis.

COVID-19: Employee Guidance

City of Sarasota

Sample COVID-19 exposure protocol

A National Road Map for Integrated Pest Management

US Environmental Protection Agency

The goal of the IPM Road Map is to increase adoption, implementation and efficiency of effective, economical and safe pest management practices, and to develop new practices where needed.

Field Maintenance - A Basic Guide for Baseball & Softball Fields of All Levels

Baseball Tomorrow Fund

The information in this document is provided as a general referenceguide for the maintenance of a baseball or softball field or facility.Professional and international baseball and softball federations andorganizations follow similar guidelines pertaining to the dimensions andneeds for field development.

Model Maintenance and Operation Agreement with Commentary

Pennsylvania Land Trust Association

This model document with commentary is intended to help local governments and nonprofit organizations better define their partnerships for providing outdoor recreational opportunities to the public and lessen the possibility of misunderstandings when carrying out their respective activities, tasks, and duties.

Best Management Practices Usedat Urban Parks

National Park Service

This report looks at best management practices used at a variety of urban parks in national and international locations.

Comprehensive Parks Maintenance and Operations Plan

Roanoke Parks and Recreation

Sample Comprehensive Parks Maintenance and Operations Plan from a small city

Alabama's Gulf State Park Master Plan

Gulf State Park

This sample Park Master Plan considers operational recommendations to support the physical enhancements, ensuring maximum long-term park revenue potential.

Useful Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance

Lifetime Reliability

A useful Maintenance Key PerformanceIndicator (KPI) drives reliability growth while guiding your choices for improving maintenanceeffectiveness and efficiency.